Stratco takes privacy seriously and is committed to complying with Australian Privacy Laws. This policy sets out how Sleco Pty. Ltd. A.B.N. 25 007 893 781 and its related entities (we) collect, hold and disclose personal information.


What is ‘personal’ information?

Personal information is any information about an individual that identifies an individual or by which an individual’s identity can be reasonably determined.


Why do we collect personal information?

We collect personal information to:


  • provide products and services to our customers;
  • communicate with our customers and contacts;
  • manage and account for our products and services;
  • improve our products and services;
  • market our products and services;
  • send invitations to our events;
  • manage our employees and contractors;
  • manage and deliver our loyalty programs or schemes;
  • fulfil our legal obligations;
  • exercise our legal rights and to issue or defend legal proceedings;
  • generally carry on our business; and
  • assess our customers for creditworthiness or continuing creditworthiness as we reasonably see fit from time to time, for the purposes including but not limited to:
    1.  Assessing if our customers are able to open a credit account with us
    2. obtaining and exchanging information with a credit reporting agency, credit provider, credit insurer or insurance broker;
    3. passing the information on to a debt collector or solicitor; and


  • exchange further personal information, including consumer and/or commercial credit information, with another body for any use reasonably connected with the provision of credit or the collection of debts.


What personal information do we collect and provide?:

We may collect the following information about an individual


  • residential and postal address;
  • delivery address;
  • phone numbers and fax numbers;
  • email address;
  • date of birth;
  • driver’s licence details;
  • financial information, including bank account details and credit card details;
  • business details including Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • credit references and other information relevant to credit worthiness, including information about a customer’s credit liabilities, repayments and defaults;
  • financial information;
  • employment information; and
  • other transactional information.


We may also collect information from users of our website including a server address, their top level domain name, the date and time of the visit to the website, the pages you accessed, the previous website the user has visited, the type of browser the person used and a record of the last login.

We also collect any other necessary or reasonably required information to provide the specific products and services our customers require.

We do not collect any sensitive personal information such as sexual preferences or practices, criminal records, health status, race, culture, religion, philosophical beliefs, political opinions or any other information, which is not relevant to the conduct of our business and our relationship with our customers.

We may disclose information regarding the provision of credit, the amount of credit provided, the terms and conditions of credit, when the credit account was opened and closed and information about repayments and defaults


How we collect personal information:

We collect personal information directly from our customers when they:


  • request a quote or other information from us;
  • place orders for products and services with us;
  • return products to us;
  • apply to open a credit account with us or when reviewing our customer’s credit account;
  • apply for or use any Stratco loyalty card or scheme; and
  • provide feedback to us.
  • We also collect personal information from individuals when they meet with us, request a quote or other information from us;
  • use our lay-by services;
  • return products to us;
  • open a credit account with us or when reviewing our customer’s credit account;
  • apply for or use any Stratco loyalty card or scheme;
  • Interact with digital channels such as Live Chat, Social media platforms, review platforms and
  • provide feedback to us.


We also collect information when people communicate with us by letter, telephone, email or fax, give us a business card, subscribe to our publications, interact with or submit information through our website.

We may  ask other people to analyse traffic on our website and cookies may be used to assist in performing this task.

We use Google Analytics to collect website statistics and visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to assist in optimising our customer’s online experience. The data that is collected is done so in an aggregated format and we make no attempt to identify individual people from this data.

Find out more about how Google uses data it receives from websites. If you wish to optout of sending information to Google Analytics, Google provides a browser add-on for this purpose.


We collect personal information about our customers from external sources such as:

  • credit or trade referees;
  • credit reporting agencies;
  • other credit providers;
  • co-applicants;
  • guarantors/proposed guarantors;
  • referees;
  • public sources such as telephone listings and internet; and
  • our service providers are involved in helping us to provide credit or to administer credit facilities, including our debt collectors, credit insurer, insurance broker and legal advisers.


How we deal with personal information we didn’t ask for

Sometimes, we receive information we didn’t directly seek out. Where we receive this unsolicited personal information about individuals, we will consider whether the information is reasonably necessary for our functions and if we are permitted to hold the information in the same way as other information, the individual has directly provided to us. If we can, we will handle the information in the same way we do with other information we seek from the individual. If not, the information will be destroyed or de-identified.


Anonymity and pseudonyms

Customers have the right to remain anonymous or to use a pseudonym when dealing with us in respect of a particular matter. However, this only applies where it is practicable for us to deal with customers anonymously or under a pseudonym, such as a general enquiry.


Non-disclosure of personal information

If we request personal information and it is not provided, we may not be able to:


  • provide products or services or otherwise assist the relevant customer;
  • manage or administer our customer’s account;
  • verify the customer’s identity or protect against fraud;
  • provide benefits to customers through our loyalty schemes or programs; and
  • inform about products or services that might better meet our customer’s needs.


General use and disclosure

We use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected, related purposes and other authorised purposes. In general, we use and disclose personal information for the purposes set out above in the section ‘Why do we collect personal information’.


Use and disclosure for direct marketing

As part of our functions and business activities and to promote our products and services to our customers, we may use personal information provided to us for the purposes of direct marketing and product review. Direct marketing includes, but is not limited to, sending our customers and / or contacting our customers in relation to promotions and information about our products and services or to send invitations to our events. Product review includes, but is not limited to, contacting our customers in relation to products or services received and requesting feedback, review or a ‘star rating’ on those products or services.

We will only use an individual’s personal information to market our products or services or to send invitations to our events where we give that individual an opportunity to request us not to use the information for such purposes.

We will not use a customer’s personal information for such purposes if the customer requests us not to do so. A customer can opt out of receiving direct marketing or product review communications at any time. Please see the section ‘Contact us’ for our contact information.


To whom do we disclose personal information?

We may disclose personal information:

  • +to other persons in connection with the provision of our goods and services, including our customers and suppliers and their employees, insurers, contractors and advisers;
  • to our employees, our related entities and employees of our related entities. This may include overseas recipients such as New Zealand;
  • to third parties engaged by us to conduct product review surveys on our behalf;
  • to credit reporting and debt collection agencies;
  • to other credit providers; credit insurers and credit insurance brokers; to check guarantee providers;
  • to joint credit account holders;
  • to guarantor(s) and any person who has provided security for our goods and services;
  • to courts, tribunals and regulators;
  • to anyone else whom the customer authorises us to disclose the information; and
  • as otherwise authorised by legislation.


We may disclose personal information we collect to our contractors. For example, contractors may be engaged to provide products or services directly to our customers or to assist us in providing products or services.  In addition, contractors may distribute some of our marketing material and other publications and maintain and develop our customer records, computer systems and websites.

Our auditors, insurers and legal and other professional advisors may also access our records, but only to protect our interests and to ensure that we comply with our obligations.


How do we keep personal information secure?

We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  We store electronic information on secure servers in access-controlled premises, and require all persons authorised to access such information to use logins and passwords to access such information.

We require all our contractors and others to whom we disclose personal information or who may have access to personal information we collect to protect such personal information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Unless we are prevented from doing so by the law, we de-identify or destroy securely all personal information we hold when no longer reasonably required by us.


Integrity of personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate, up to date and complete and that the personal information we use or disclose is, having regard to the purpose of such use or disclosure, accurate, up to date, complete and relevant.

To that end, we encourage our customers to contact us to update or correct any personal information we hold about them.


Accessing personal information

A customer may request access to personal information we hold about them.  We will require a customer to verify their identity and to specify what information they require before any information is disclosed.

We deal with all requests for access to personal information as required by law.  We may charge a fee where we provide access to information to cover the cost of retrieval and the supply of this information. We will endeavour to process any request for access within 30 days of receiving the request from our customer. Some requests for access may take longer than 30 days to process, depending upon the nature of the personal information being sought. We may refuse to provide access if we are not legally required to do so.


Denying access to personal information

We are not always required to provide our customers with access to their personal information upon request. We may refuse access to personal information where the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings, where denying access is required or authorised by law, or where the request for access is regarded as frivolous or vexatious. If we deny a request for access to, or refuse a request to correct personal information we will provide the reasons for not doing so.


Correction of personal information

We take reasonable steps to correct all personal information we hold to ensure that, having regard to the purposes for which it is held, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

A customer may request corrections to personal information we hold about them.  We deal with all requests for correction to personal information as required by law.  We may refuse to correct personal information if we are not required by law to do so.



If a customer wishes to make a complaint about this Policy or our collection, use or disclosure of personal information, they should contact us in the first instance.  We will investigate the complaint and try and resolve the complaint directly with our customer.


If our customer is not satisfied with the outcome, then they may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). For information about how to make such a complaint, please refer to the OAIC website


Contact us

To request access to or correction of personal information, to request not to receive marketing material or invitations from us, or to make a privacy complaint to us, please contact:

Stratco Privacy Officer

PO Box 158 Enfield Plaza

South Australia 5085

Telephone: +61 8 8349 5555

Fax: +61 8 8262 9688



Changes to Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy from time to time and without notice by publication on our website.  We recommend that our customers regularly review our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy to ensure they are aware of any changes.